A Letter from President Chris Krampe

Dear OYM Friends,
With September 22nd, 2024 designated by the Assembly of Bishops as Orthodox Youth & Young Adult Sunday, I’d like to express my tremendous gratitude to our friends old and new for their support as we endeavor to fulfill the mission set forth for us — to nurture the faith of Orthodox young people and help them live full lives in communion with Christ and His Church. We could not possibly hope to do that without the many clergy, youth ministry workers, parents, and other Orthodox faithful who regularly inspire us with their selflessness and dedication to this cause. As we look to the future of OYM, we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us in this effort to serve all of you with wisdom and effectiveness.
2024 has been a busy year as we have recruited talented new staff members, hosted several retreats, reworked our monthly newsletter, and laid the groundwork for exciting new initiatives that will be launched in 2025. Throughout it all, the OYM team and I have continuously reflected on the honor and blessing it is to be part of this work. In the words of our Episcopal Liaison, Bishop Thomas, in this year’s OYM Sunday Encyclical:
“Throughout the history of God’s people, each generation has been called to tell of the works of the Lord to the next generation. ‘So these words I command you today shall be in your heart and in your soul. You shall teach them to your sons, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up’ (Deuteronomy 6:6-7). In both word and deed, our lives are to be the witness to our children and grandchildren that enlivens and inspires their faith through the grace of the Holy Spirit. If we do not share this precious Orthodox Christian faith with them, who will?”
So again, I say thank you: to our friends, our supporters, our fellow ministry workers, and especially to our board members, without whom none of our work would be possible. We humbly ask that you keep OYM in your prayers as we seek to serve Jesus Christ and His Church.
Yours in Christ,
Dr. Christopher Krampe
President of OYM